Monday, August 15, 2016

Top 5 Reasons to Start a Side Business

Top 5 Reasons to Start a Side Business
By Wendy Stewart

Love your job but not loving the pay? Wish you had more freedom and time? Look no further than starting a side business. Businesses you start on the side can offer you many benefits but I will only highlight my 5 favorites. By the end of you this article, you will be looking for ways to start your own side business and sending me your success stories!

1. Money

If you couldn’t use a little extra money in your life, then you are truly blessed. But for many of us, extra money can bridge the crucial gap because surviving and thriving. It decides which bills get paid first (and which can wait a little) and how long we stay at a job we hate. When you gain more control over how much money you bring in all of that changes. You have extra money to put on debt, save for a car, or even get out from under your mortgage. The possibilities are endless once you get extra money in your hands.

2. Freedom

Being stuck doing something you hate is a tragedy. Usually because it prevents you from really bringing your talents to the marketplace. When you start your own side business, you also gain freedom over your time. You may make enough money to cut down your hours at work and spend more time doing something you truly enjoy. The point is your boss no longer controls 100% of your time. As your business grows, so does your ability to choose how to spend your time. Which leads me to my next point…

3. Flexibility

What do you do if you wake up sick and can’t work? Are you just out of luck and have depend on the kindness of your boss/manager/supervisor to say it’s okay to stay home? Or it is the more familiar scenario where you drag yourself in anyway because you cannot afford the time off? Maybe you’re perfectly healthy but there’s a convention you want to go to and aren’t sure if you can get the time off. Another tragedy. With your own side business, you can potentially cut down your hours at work or even not have the dreaded fear of losing out on pay because you wanted to spend time doing something you enjoy.

4. Choice

Letting your side business grow enough may give you the option to leave a job you don’t like. I don’t assume everyone hates their jobs but I’m guessing some of you may do a similar job, just differently. Or you just want to have the ability to move from one temporary job to another because you like the variety of it all. Whatever the reason, you’ll be in a better position and actually have these choices once you have used your side business to put yourself in a better financial position.

5. Money, again

I cannot discount the importance of how an influx of extra money can change your life. What would you do with an extra $500 or more per month? What could you do if your side business outperformed your employee salary? Freedom, flexibility, and choice become your allies as you transition to a lifestyle you have designed; not the one your boss thinks you should have.

Be the mistress of your own financial destiny and start a side business. If you are reading this and have already seen success from your side business, leave your story below so we can all share in your success!

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